The World of Trees

News, information and opinions from around the globe about trees,forests and wood

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The arrival of the new copy of 'Reforesting Scotland' is always welcome. The latest (Issue 34) highlights issues to do with the land, land reform and community landownership. Of tree interest are pieces on one specific community woodland, Old Castle Wood, and a broader piece about control of land through community woodlands, giving the perspective of the Community Woodland Association. In addition there is piece on 'Forest Education in Lanarkshire,' and on how to construct and use a wood-fired oven and use it for baking. Full details on website here.

The Future for Wild Harvests in Scotland
Seminar on Non Timber Forest Products
10-11 May 2006
Beauly, by Inverness
May10th will consist of site visits to Reelig Glen Wood and to Highland Natural Products in Beauly. The following day is the seminar and workshops. Speakers include Maria Emergy of the US Forests Service and Miles Irving, a Forager.
Details at: , which also has a good database of products and suppliers.
'Many Scots go blackberry picking in the autumn or gathering holly and ivy at Christmas to decorate the home. For most people that's as far as their gathering activities go, but Scotland's woods and forests offer a great many other useful non-timber forest products for the enterprising visitor.There are hazelnuts to gather in the autumn, fruits such as wild raspberries and elderberries for making puddings and wines, dozens of species of wild mushrooms, and delicious herbs such as wild garlic and wood sorrel to make summer salads more interesting.The woods also provide valuable sources of wild and managed game, herbal medicines, foliage for floral decorations, craft products such as basketry materials and dyes, and seeds for planting more woodlands.'

Treefest. Edinburgh. 10th and 11th June 2006
An opportunity to publicise your business and sell your product. This year Edinburgh's highly successful 'Treefest' event will have a non timber forest product theme. If you are interested in booking a stand at Treefest please contact Four Winds (phone 0131 332 2229 or email Carole) before the end of March to ensure that you get a place.
Trees for Life are currently campaigning to raise funds to purchase the Dundreggan Estate and restore the wild forest.


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